Friday, March 14, 2008

Steve, Sam, Jack and Glenn
  • Steve Whalen and Sam Moxley stopped by to have breakfast and talk business.
  • Sam asked why I had started the blog and Glenn answered, "Boredom". (Glenn said boredom is the reason behind many life activities, including marriage). But is he right? Maybe. I thought I had started the blog as an exercise in learning how to blog, to add features, etc. because I planned to use a blog to get info and pictures to my families at work. But I am having way too much fun and ......I still haven't started my work blog yet. Is samsbagels a waste of time? Probably, this is all trivial stuff. Certainly can be an excuse for avoiding more mundane tasks. But as a time waster is it different than many other past times or hobbies?
  • Dana led the discussion on "Why Lawyers are the Most Useless Profession"
  • Will there be green bagels for St. Patrick's day? Folks have been searching the Internet.

Who Are You?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The "Dumb Ass" Story

Doug played a joke on Jeff a while back. He took a picture of his own naked backside (and now I am wondering if this was on a self- timer or was there a mystery photographer?). He programmed this picture into Jeff's phone under the name, "Dumb Ass" along with Doug's phone number. Poor Jeff got a surprise later when Doug phoned him and that picture popped up. Maybe the joke was on Doug, because Jeff showed several of us that photo of Doug's ass, still saved on his cell phone. Gladys had just remarked how well her cataract surgery went this week and that she could now see clearly! However, I observed that Gladys couldn't finish her bagel after this sight.
In lieu of the actual photo, I offer the following.......and you should be grateful.
(Submitted by Peggy, former Sam's regular, now Florida resident)
We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons," where:
:) means a smile and
:( is a frown.
Sometimes these are represented by

Well, how about some " BUTT ICONS?" Here goes:
(_!_) a regular ass

(__!__) a fat ass

(!) a tight ass

(_*_) a sore ass

{_!_} a swishy ass

(_o_) an ass that's been around

(_x_) kiss my ass

(_X_) leave my ass alone

(_zzz_) a tired ass

(_E=mc2_) a smart ass

(_$_) Money coming out of his ass

( _?_) Dumb Ass

Ashley Alexandra Dupre

Hi everyone, what a hectic week! I am looking forward to dinner tomorrow night at the Salsa Grill. Bill said 6:30 would be better than 6 to allow folks to get there after work. I love to check the map of the blog's readers, and I'd like to welcome readers in the cities below. Most intriguingly, a reader in London, England logged in just to watch the video of Doug eating a bagel!

Just as I am tracking blog readers, Jeff reported that Rosa's boss asked about our blog. Turns out he is notified everytime Howard Bank is mentioned online. There was Sam's listed along with the Daily Record, and Rosa had to explain the co0nnection. You really aren't home alone with your computer, Big Brother IS watching......

Could Ashley Alexandra Dupre be our newest blog reader in New York? Ashley (aka Kristen) became famous overnight due to her liasons with Client # 9 (aka the luv gov). Apparently someone is already marketing shirts and boxers labeled "I'm Client #8". Don may have already ordered his pair! (Don, we have missed you and were glad to hear from you. Welcome back!)

London, UK

San Jose, CA

Ashburn, VA

Savage, MD

Portland, OR

Highlands, NJ

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dinner at Salsa Grill This Friday!

Sarah has perfected the art of turning a styrofoam cup inside-out without tearing it. Here she is showing her cup being used as a cream cheese holder. It's not that easy, as Doug learned.

(Submitted by John)
A dog is truly a man's best friend.
If you don't believe it, just try this experiment.
Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour.
When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?

Don't forget. we are having dinner at the Salsa Grill this Friday, March 14th at 6 pm. Hope you can join us!

More Congratulations!

Many of Sam's customers may also be regulars at Sea Hut across the street. When Harold and I were first married, we ate lunch there every Saturday. It was our first outing with each new baby. In fact, I have known Jean since before any of my children were born. Harold and I were honored to attend her wedding last evening. As you can see, Jean was a beautiful bride and the ceremony was lovely. I thought you would enjoy these photos.
Jran and Kevin

The ceremony

The lovely flowers (one vase tipped during the ceremony and Jim caught it in time!)

Jim escorts Jean down the aisle

The Family

Parents of the bride, Sue and Jim


Daily Record announces 2008 Top 100 Women winners March 6, 2008 6:27 PM

One hundred women throughout the state with a wide variety of occupations and accomplishments have been named to The Daily Record’s 13th annual Maryland’s Top 100 Women list.

The award was created to recognize successful female professionals who also give back to their professions and their communities by mentoring others and by personal community involvement.

This year’s list includes 12 women named to this list for the third time who will now be inducted into the Circle of Excellence for their sustained achievements.

The Top 100 Women will be honored at an awards ceremony on May 12 from 5 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.

Jeff's wife, Rosa Scharf of Howard Bank, is one of the winners!