Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get Well, Glenn!

Jean, Katelyn, Tom and Paul, a good weekend visit!

Glenn was in Sam's this morning. He was having knee replacement surgery at Kernan's this afternoon.  Send him your best thoughts and healing powers!

The $50 Cucumber

A few weeks ago, a groundhog ate all of the cucumbers off of the plant my Dad had raised from seed. My Dad bought and put up fencing around the plant, whuch had to reinforced several times. He caught and delivered two groundhogs and several squirrels to the state park. And here is the fruit of all his labor.....my Mom calculated that given the cost of the fencing, this is a $50 cucumber! Delicious.

At the Parade

Paul, Pop, and Dusty.....the John Deere tractor goes to the parade.
Dorothy and Paul with a cold drink
The gang on the curb