Saturday, October 27, 2007

Public Service Announcement from Pat R.

You might want to post this as a public service announcement. Ron Smith has a column on his website called "Will We Heed the Warning?" David Walker, head of Government Accounting Office for 9 years will speak at UMBC on Mon. Oct. 29 in the Engineering Building, Lecture Hall #5 at 5:00 p.m. He will address the financial crisis he sees looming. He is concerned enough to travel around the country to get people's attention on this. THANK YOU......Pat

Anyone else wishing to post birthday greetings, announcements, favorite photos, etc. can email me at That's my Google account for blog information.

Thanks, Pat,

Get Well Wishes for Charlie

Charlie has been in St. Agnes Hospital over the past week. He has been feeling very weak and has been losing weight. He is also undergoing dialysis three times per week. The hospital team has been looking for the source of a possible infection, but has not found one yet. Charlie will be transferred to Hopkins as soon as they find a bed for him. Keep Patty in your prayers too, she has been working and running to the hospital and needs to keep herself healthy. Get well wishes can be mailed to his home at:

Mr. Charles Lanham
112 Delrey Avenue
Catonsville, MD 21228

More Halloween Hauntings

Bill is also famous in his neighborhood for creating a Haunted House for Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween night. He sent me these photos from previous Halloweens at his home at 116 Sanford Avenue. I think I will be driving by to see what new horrors he will come up with this year on All Hallow's Eve!

Halloween Haunting

Bill Tucker as Leatherface

Bill will be helping out at tonight through Sunday, Oct. 28th, at The Haunted Pool. The haunting is a fund-raiser for the Crosby Crossing Swim Club. (located in the neighborhood behind the Double TT Diner). You can be scared for only $5 per person between 6:30 to 9:30 pm. For directions and more information, check out the pool's website at

Happy Birthday to Jean

Sarah and Jean in Washington DC viewing the cherry blossoms

Jean celebrated her birthday on October 25th by watching some Hollywood folks film a horror movie on the corner of her street at Bishops Lane and Frederick Road. They spent the day filming a Jeep drive past the (fake) disemboweled carcass of a dog, and filming the Jeep driving into the car bays at Ridgeway Auto. Sarah reported that the film business was boring, that the day consisted of "Action", followed minutes later by "Cut", followed by hours of waiting in the rain. That's life,'s what happens in the small moments while you think you are waiting for something more.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to a wonderful Mom and Grandmom!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Halloween is Coming....

These Sam's regulars were celebrating Halloween early this weekend at a party. Can you believe they worked for NSA before retirement?

Guess who brought in this sign to Sam's to express his political views? Did you guess Glenn?