New blog feature! If you click on the tiny envelope next to the comment icon below, you can email a copy of any individual blog post to yourself or to anyone else. For example, you could email a copy of Pat's excellent memories of Baltimore. I am not sure if the pictures are included or if you just receive the text version.
Took Harold to the airport this morning. I'll give you a hint.....he is in the U.S.A. west of the Mississippi River. Click on the comment button below and submit a guess. There is a fabulous prize to the first person who guesses the correct state.
i I hope this is the right comment place for Harold. I am guessing that he is going to Las Vegas, NV
Pat R.
He;s not in Nevada. Feel free to guess again.
IL with dear daughter?
He's not in IL, the dear daughter is here this weekend. (Dima also guessed IL) And he is not in Alaska as Doug guessed. Next hint....spoke with him tonight and it was snowing there.
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