As you can see from the above graph, the blog has had a steady amount of readers. But yesterday, the number of readers quadrupled. Why the sudden spike, I wondered? I went back and reviewed yesterday's content and can only conclude that I need to show more pictures of men embracing men, or just more pictures of photogenic Scott.
Don't Forget! Everyone is welcome to join us for breakfast at the Grove Cafe (on the grounds of Spring Grove Hospital) this Saturday, Feb. 23, at 8 am.
not sure how happy dima and the employees of sam's are that we use thier blog to advertise loss of $ in their pockets while we grove. suggest we invite dima!!! glenn
Hey Glenn,
Dima and anybody else are welcome. Anyway, I think it is Sue's blog, not "their" blog. And you know we always come back to our favorite table at Sam's.
just repeating what i've overheard, anonymously,glenn
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