Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where in the World?

Chicago, Illinois (Hi, Katelyn!)

Naples, Florida (Note Everglades Highway)

Seattle, Washington

Toronto, Canada

Isle of Mann, UK

Bremen, Germany

Ok, you have to admit this is cool. Double-click on the map to make it larger, and you will see the little red balloon at the top of the bridge on the lower right. That was the location where someone in Paris on the Pont du Saint Michel over the River Seine at Notre Dame Point ........was looking at our blog. You can even see the sight-seeing boats on the river.

Thanks to Google Earth (which has new advanced features now like 3-D views and space photos), I could see this photo of Notre Dame Cathedral taken from the same location on the Saint Michel bridge. I know what you are thinking..... Ah , Paris. There's Notre Dame, one of the most photographed buildings in the world. There's a sightseeing cruise on the River Seine. C'est magnifique! Mais non, I'd rather sit here and look at the Sam's Bagels Blog. There is no accounting for taste. After all, the French did give a lifetime achievement award to Jerry Lewis.

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