Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas

John and Don spread Christmas cheer

For those of you who missed it, here is Pat Richardson's original poem. Enjoy!
With Apologies to Willie Shakespeare

With gloomy clouds and darkened sky,
The Winter Solstice doth arrive.
The snow hath dropped,
The wind doth blow,
We hear the bells and Ho, Ho, Ho.

A hearty few will brave the weather,
Embarking on another endeavor.
The bagels beckon, toasty, warm,
They draw us out into the storm.

Eating, drinking, with fervered glee,
We keep each other company.
We know who’s pregnant and who is not,
Our news is current and on the spot.

Some do not hold us so dear,
But we wish you all a happy new year.


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